Update from around our complex
Owners and Residents Please be aware of the following:
Waste Disposal and Recycling
The caretaking team is no longer removing the recycling waste to the main bin
Refer the message below from the Caretakers
Can you please ensure that all rubbish is placed in the bins within each bin rotunda and not left on the floor
If you have recycle waste it can be placed into the large bin behind fenced area at the bin rotunda opposite Villas 72 & 73 (refer the yellow dot on the map at the link below) A Guide to Oasis Villas Map
Under no circumstances should rubbish be left on the bin room floors for others to deal with (refer image below of what is not acceptable)
If you have large bulky items that won’t fit in the bins there is a refuse station at Helensvale (70 Helensvale Rd, Helensvale QLD 4212) that takes rubbish free of charge
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Oasis Body Corporate Committee at body.corp.oasis@gmail.com

Attention: Boat and Jet ski Owners
Boat and jet ski owners are reminded that refuelling your vessel in the marinas is not permitted as it is a safety issue and breach of the by-laws.
Refer By-Law 41 below and at the following link Oasis By-Laws
41.1.17 The fuelling of any boat at any point in the marina is strictly prohibited.
Furthermore owners should note that there are restrictions on vessel sizes in the marinas
Refer By-Law 39.1.5 and the survey plans included at the back of the by-laws
39. A berth holder must not:
39.1.5 Cause or permit:
more than one boat to be moored in the berth; or
any boat to be moored in the berth which exceeds in length or breadth the dimensions of a vessel that can safely moored in the berth and the vessel size is consistent with the survey plans​
Irrigation System
The installation of the new irrigation system has commenced
A number of sections in the centre of the complex have been completed – around the rotunda in the centre of the complex, the walkway to the pool area and the gardens around the pool
These areas are timed to come on early in the morning and late in the evening
Final installation is expected to be in March 2025